Originally Posted by NeilBlanchard
The sea level changed because a lot of ice melted. Right now, almost all the rest of the ice in the world is melting. The sea level is probably going to rise at least 6 feet, and possibly 10 feet in just the next 80 years.
How many people will be massively affected by that one change? Considering that about 2/3rds of the world's population live pretty close to the coast.
We had about 170-280ppm of carbon dioxide over the last 800,000 years or so - EXCEPT since about 1850. We are now well over 400ppm and climbing about 2-2.5ppm per year - and this is accelerating.
Appreciate your posts Neil.
6 foot gain in 80 years is about 10x the rate of the previous 80 years. Not saying it isn't possible, but it just doesn't seem probable to me. Still, that's 3 generations of people, and we're very good at adaptation.