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Old 01-28-2018, 09:46 PM   #290 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by BLSTIC View Post
Or the Ford Kent motor. I mean it was developed in '59 for the Anglia and kept on keeping on until 2002.
At least in Brazil the Kent/Valencia/Endura-E was phased out in mid-'99. BTW a cousin of my dad still owns a Mk.4 Fiesta with the 1.0L Endura-E.

I once had ideas about updating the Holden 202 Black EFI. It was an engine designed in the 40's and kept getting updated until the 80's, where Holden engineers tried to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear by fitting EFI. It made 101kw from a 3.3 litre OHV non-crossflow emissions engine in 1984. Except it did it with mechanical/vacuum distributor, single hole injectors (that didn't even have a real spray pattern, they were more or less jets), simultaneous injection, and a non-mapped computer (it was based on an airflow meter signal with corrections for air temp, water temp, full throttle and zero throttle. It was kinda correct most of the time. Basically like a carby without atomisation and fuel distribution problems).
Ah, the early days of analog EFI...
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