It's a wideband so if I know which terminals/wires to tap into it should generate a 0-5v signal. So theory be able to watch it with a multi-meter.
reviews seem, promising. I think it's the fact that it's not just a wideband o2 sensor, because they're not all the same. It's a linear wideband o2 sensor. Most from what I have seen with aftermarket sensors anyway, are NOT linear.
Hmmm similar reviews for the NTK sensor and it's only $144
I did just walk out to the car and look for any marking on the flats of the sensor, noticed 3971. Typed "3971 Honda hx" into google which brought up rockauto link that went straight to 98 honda hX o2 sensors but there's no listing with that number.... interesting
NTK part # 24300
from amazon "This part is the same as Honda uses! a perfect fit exact same stamping on the part as original! a great bargain compared to other sources,I paid 175. flat no tax free shipping!BARMAC AUTOMOTIVE was the supplier.
By tim on October 20, 2014
This was a "real" parts as shown and in original box. This is "NOT a clone part" I was very happy with purchase. I would buy from this company again.
By Jeff C. on October 22, 2014
NTK!! Replaced the L1H1($) used with my Tech Edge, 24300 works great!! About supplies to Honda, not in that loop??
By Robert F. on October 20, 2014
Im not sure, all I know is it worked in my 96 gonna civic hx. Hx only
By Dallas M. on October 20, 2014
It's the original NGK/NTK company which supplies to Honda. I bought it for 99 civic HX and it worked.
By Mohamad Nazari Alikorzani on October 20, 2014
Chris, yes this is the factory part and not cloned. My VX loves them.
By Mark Barrett on October 20, 2014
It's the ntk/ngk product. Solved my problem quite well in a 94 vx"
So if you believe the reviews... seems to work fine. So I guess I'll try the $144 NTK if the wiring and contacts seem fine.