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Old 02-04-2018, 11:09 PM   #21 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Since I'm not even in the U.S. I'm going to abstain from voting this poll, but I might still give my opinion from a Brazilian perspective.

Originally Posted by jamesqf View Post
I think your poll needs a "No, because I don't travel on streets much" option. Basically all my travelling is either in rural areas, or on divided highway going through the city to get to the other side. And there are a lot of mountains to climb...
People riding 125cc motorcycles even on highways is something I got used to see here. Sure a Honda CG 125 might not be the most suitable for that usage, more due to the skinny tyres and modest braking performance, but sometimes it's the only option for its rider.

Originally Posted by woodsrat View Post
For the past four years I've ridden 125's exclusively, mostly repowered Honda step-throughs with Lifan semi-automatic engines. I travel on two-lanes and back roads so there's absolutely no liability in riding one. Geared with a 17/36 combo my bikes will cruise all day long at 50-53 MPH and top out in the low 60's. My biggest trip was a multi-day adventure from Indy to the Smokies and back with a childhood friend who rode a Harley Tri-Glide and another on an Ultra Classic. Talk about being the odd man out!!
I must confess I'd rather ride some 125cc motorcycle instead of a Harley. Well, at least a Honda CG 125 is more reliable

I'd like to have a 125cc street or dual purpose bike with a liquid cooled engine and a six speed gearbox. The problem is weight. Bikes sold in other markets like this weigh 275 lbs. or more, not much less than a bike twice it's displacement. Unless there's a reason to buy one (tiered licensing?) there's not much reason to buy one of these modern 125's. They're expensive, too.
Had it been legal to ride a 125cc motorcycle within a certain maximum power limit with a regular car driving license there, like it's done in France, Portugal and Spain, I'm sure there would be more market opportunities for those bikes there.

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