I'm going on a road trip to Sacramento Thursday in a Pacifica plug-in. Looking forward to seeing how it does.
Exactly my thoughts on a vehicle Hersbird. It's a tool, and jobs require different tools.
Not all people treat others stuff poorly. Perhaps in the future there will be a rating system to vett those people who are likely to treat things well. Many online service providers have rating systems like this, such as Ebay's buyer and seller rating, or Uber's driver and passenger rating, or Airbnb's host and guest rating. Compiling this info would be useful for determining if someone is trustworthy, kind of like a FICO score for a person's propensity to be a decent human being. People with low decency scores could still rent as long as they put a down a hefty deposit. Those with "platinum" decency ratings might not even be required to place a deposit.