Today I installed these LED Headlights:
H4 LED Headlight Kit | H4 LED Foglight Upgrade
I like to use my EFAS button for a couple long engine-off-coasts on my commute home, but the coasts usually end with my IMA battery voltage going down from being sucked by the DC/DC into my 12V battery (due to headlights and other electrical draw) to the point that the car stops charging the 12V battery and it won't restart from shifting into gear as is typical for this vehicle. Instead I either need to bump-start while still coasting or key-on start it back up at the end of the coast.
The current draw at night as measured by OBDIIC&C was 1.8 amps with my headlights on. Now it's only 1.0 amp that gets drawn with the new LED headlights on. I hope this will let me stay in EOC longer without depleting the IMA battery beyond the DC/DC shutoff threshold.