Originally Posted by Xist
You plan a "custom aerodynamic roof rack" Will you tell us more about that?
It's the one you see up there now. It's a little taller then I meant for it to be, but it doesn't have the crossbars like the stock one did.
I've actually had to use it once already. My pickup was full of debris to haul to the landfill (old kitchen cabinets; I'm doing a kitchen renovation right now) so when we were picking up some large boards for the new cabinets I had to use the jeep. For crossbars I simply zip tied some 2x4ers to the roof rails and it worked great.
I decided that if it's wrong to have a jeep with a roof rack, then I don't want to be right.
This is your typical Jeep Cherokee roof rack (ok, it's a little more than typical, but you get the idea)
So I think I'm a little ahead of the game, aero-wise, compared to that one above. I also don't carry as much stuff on my adventures, I just tent camp.
Last time, though, I thought it a good idea to put the spare tire on the roof. Horrible idea.
Next time I'll squeeze it into the cargo area or build a spare tire carrier on the rear bumper.