You just have ubb tags before/after your whole table like code and /code but with brackets around them (just like the quote tag) that give you a monospace font and spaces and tabs are maintained.
Then you can do what i did there and paste data straight from Excel/LibreOffice and it will come out as a table. Likewise copying a web table should go right in as a table too.
Vehicle Tesla Chevy Bolt Nissan Leaf
Capacity 85 kWh 60 kWh 40 kWh
HP hours 3,740 2,640 1,760
Weight 1,200 959 560
Lbs HP Hr 10.52 11.92 11.06
HP hr/lb 3.125 2.75 3.14
Range 265 239 150
HP hr/mi 14.11 11.04 11.73
Cost per mi 4.36 3.34 3.35
The only problem you'll run into is if a column has values that exceed the tab stop, data will run into the next column and things will get shuffled, as above.