Please stop.
Since 20180124 you have started nine threads and six of them are on one subject. As OP you can change
Trailer Hitch For One Wheeled Trailer to
One Wheeled Trailer For Gen 3 Prius See Through Boat tail. ...and let the others fade in the rear view mirror. There are a
bazillion dead threads on this forum.
You're making it hard to follow your thought process.
On-topic: My vote is for a flying tail with a skid, that deflects more stiffly from side to side than up and down to accommodate scrubbing. With a hairpin end to allow backing up into curbs. Like BamZipPow did.
So sad that his build thread is all Photobucketed.
Take another look at D in Permalink #44. Imagine the skegs are hairpin skids with a fabric airfoil insert held in tension for rigidity. On a ground strike on one side or the other it would wobble and spring back into shape.
This could be on the end of a tapered boat tail, remember Dave Cloud's Dolphin?