Most of brazilian solar planst are in the northeast, but wind turbines power it's also a good alternative in many places.
Sorry, I disagree a bit, but slavery left scars in the local culture of northeast. People in northeast are more racist, and the education level it's low, criminal rates are higher there, and domestic violence, prejudice, sexism and corruption too.
I have relatives from there, I know how they think.
Originally Posted by cRiPpLe_rOoStEr
Solar energy would've been better to overcome the limitations to implement large-scale hydroelectric power in much of NE. Well, besides the CHESF-owned Paulo Afonso hydroelectric complex, I can't remind of any major hydroelectric in that region. When it comes to slavery, considering the Northeast and Southeast were more intensely colonized earlier than the South, it's quite predictable that slavery was more visible there. But it doesn't really matter now.