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Old 02-25-2018, 07:08 PM   #71 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by woodsrat View Post
the full sized smallbores available (other than the 12" street minis)--consisting of the SYM 150 Wolf and the KYMCO K-Pipe--just aren't selling here.

If KYMCO was trying to snare the youth market they failed miserably as every owner I've "met" on line has been 50+.

Both also suffer from a lack of dealers, something that has to worry a potential owner.

This begs the question--with Honda's established dealer network and reputation for quality would a simple, basic 125 offered for two grand or less actually find a market here? I'm extremely biased as a confirmed smallbore fan but I think they would.

Besides beginners, kids, the financially challenged and old ducks like me who are tired of big heavy bikes there would have to be a market for those who would buy and use them for motorcycle training.
Gotta have to agree with you on that. Even though a novice rider could feel tempted to pick a "racing replica" because it looks more like its peers' crotch-rockets than gramps' pig of a Harley, there is a much greater demand that may also include older folks who are tired of Harley boat-anchors, college students looking for the cheapest commutter, or the average Joe looking for something easier to ride in congested cities.

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