I guess the key to a jorb for you would be to find more entertainment value in the work than the continual spray of mostly useless and often misleading media.
I feel like I'm living everybody else's future — no job and no taxes. I hope 'media' doesn't include Youtube. Open tabs:
Nautilus-X - A Real Spaceship At Last — f r a g o m a t i k
Terence Mckenna - The Human Nature Of Reality — REAL SPIRIT DYNAMICS
Would You Have the Courage? — Bill Whittle
In technical support a popular option was flight simulators. Oncet I had my feet up and my head back as I was waiting for someone to reboot their machine. Suddenly, I
woke up! It was probably no more than 5-10 seconds, but I had no I idea. So I said "What do you have onscreen right now?", and they told me, and life went on without a lot of drama.