Originally Posted by mpg_numbers_guy
I do brake significantly less than the average driver due to hypermiling, but there are still instances where I have to brake harder than I would like to - idiot drivers, a poorly timed light, etc. How much would be too much though? Coroplast seems to melt easily under heat (hence why I'm thinking white instead of black) so wouldn't having no openings pose a risk unless you literally didn't brake at all? I mean, I could do pizza pans, but those are heavier and aren't as flat.
Thanks for the tip on the size! Will definitely do that. At first I thought my wheels were 15" since that's what the factory ones were, and these are factory ones...but they measure 16".. What do you think of the caulk idea though?
I've had coroplast discs on both my Malibu and now my Ion, and I have coroplast under my engine and while it has never melted, it did sag a little under the engine... For street use, regular smooth coroplast discs in whatever color will be fine... For track use I'd take them off though...