Thread: Speed kills...
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Old 08-26-2008, 07:34 PM   #12 (permalink)
X-Frenchy: very
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scenic - '01 renault scenic
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megane - '97 renault megane classic
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dennisius - '06 Toyota Prius
Team Toyota
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Originally Posted by jim-frank View Post
In any case, I get 42 mpg at 55 mph, and 49-51 mpg at 69 mph.
What are your rpm and gear at 55 and 69 mph ?
At which rpm is your best torque ?

Speed doesn't always penalize your tank. This is a really good reason to obtain some kind of mpg monitor and learn what your vehicle is really doing as opposed to what it's theoretically doing...
On Toulouse beltway, the speed was lowered from 110 km/h to 90 for cars and 80 for trucks. The CO2 emissions, and so the consumptions, have been lowered a lot (ie more than the 18% corresponding to the speed change), but for some trucks it's greater because they have to be in a lower gear.

To several people, with instant feed back in their cars, I talked about my eco-driving style.
When I talk about obeying to speed limits and having moderate acceleration (yes about that tip every car is unique and some may prefer harder accelerations) they are ready to try and they try indeed.
When I talk about understanding how the car works just by reading the instant feed-back, very few listen and people who try don't do it a long time.

If I have only one tip to communicate it will be "go slower", even if for some cars the FE will be lower, because as a whole the FE will be greater. To people willing to improve more, I'll give them my theoretical knowledge of cars and explain them how to try to improve more.

From what I heard here and there, the best economy is *generally* around the best torque rpm. Empirically on my wife's diesel (best torque at 1500rpm and barely usable under) with instant feed-back the lower rpm the best FE, but all cars are unique (as wives ). I don't have instant feed-back on my older diesel, so I have to use what I hear and what I can see on a very different diesel to improve myself on my car.

Since my beginning I tried to lower my speed and moderate my accelerations, as I had a lead foot. The first tank was primarily based on that and I lowered my consumption by 15%. If only all people I know could do so then it would be a better world...
During my second tank I continued to monitor my speed, but also tried to use DFCO and better know my route to start DFCO sooner and stop acceleration sooner. The result climbed to 30%.
Now my knowledge of my car is theoritical, but I know the best torque rpm, the rpm/speed of each gear... and what my ECU controls. From that it seams that I may not have DFCO as my wife's car, so since this tank I'm using NICE-On Coasting. At the end of the current tank, I'll try to use the result to improve myself during next tanks.

Now I would like to have a compatible monitoring system, but the SG2 isn't and as my hands aren't able to do more than a bulb change I'll have to improve myself slowly, "one tank at a time", by using knowledge published here by other people.

Thanks to all these people publishing their theoretical and/or empirical knowledge.

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Best Mégane tank: 1268.9mi @ 77.847 MPG(US)
2008/06-2011/10 saving:
  • 5725.5 kg CO2 (5342.6+382.9)
  • Diesel / Money: 42.17% = 2446.25€ = 3357.26$

megane : thread - kill switch.
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