How many vehicular casualties involve a lack of seatbelt?
The definition of an assault weapon varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, but mostly involves things that only make it look scary. Pistol grip? What difference does it make? You can screw a suppressor onto it? Those have been illegal since 1976 and I do not recall ever hearing of any being used. Also, they are not nearly as quiet as in the movies. Flash suppressor? Okay.
I do not know of any way an AR-15 is any more dangerous than a hunting rifle. Many claims about them are simply untrue or misleading. Officially, they fire 800 bullets a minute, but that would require 23 magazines, enough heat to warp the barrel, and probably jam ten or twenty times.
Having said all of that, if they are not the police, and I see any firearm in a public place, I am breaking line-of-sight, calling the police, and putting as much distance between me and them as possible.
It only takes one bullet to ruin my day.
Last edited by Xist; 03-27-2018 at 11:24 PM..
Reason: Punctuation