I like the idea of eliminating the possibility of the cable-to-base connection going bad, but I also like the idea of using one cord at home and in the car and leaving a small car charger in the car, and a small wall charger at home, instead of the weird big car charger with wall outlet prongs.
I started using a 4,200 battery unit case for $19 November second. The charging system seemed to work well. I had never been able to go all day without recharging my phone, even if I did not use it. My battery would be low around lunchtime, I hit the button on the back, and I was good for the rest of the day. The problem was that it was a terrible case, hard plastic that slipped out of my fingers a few times; if my phone fell on its screen the case would have done nothing to protect it. When the case fell, it separated in two pieces, my phone slid out, and after a few falls, my phone stopped charging.
I was able to slide the phone in just fine while the pieces were together, so that design did not make sense to me.
This case arrived Wednesday the seventh:
$40 for 3,500 battery units, so 40% of the battery value of the other one, but it wraps around the phone, fully protecting it, unlike the previous one, although it is the same hard plastic, so at some point it will slip out of my fingers, and probably dent instead of absorbing shock like my Otterbox. It is also two pieces, the front snaps onto the back. Many reviewers complained they could not remove it. I dunno, I never tried, but it does not seem like it would not be a problem. I am just hoping that it does not come apart on its own.
So far, it is charging just fine with non-Samsung cables.