Originally Posted by tjts1
All Lupos were very expensive compared to their rivals because they were made in Germany. The famous Lupo 3L which everyone around here drools over made up less than 10% of production because it cost an extra $3000 over the regular model in 1999 dollars. Out of 35 lupos on EBAY.de, just 3 are the 3L model.
The Lupo was replaced with the cheaper, larger, heavier Brazilian build Fox in 2005.

So was the 3L the only model equiped with the 'economy mode' ? Sounds a littel like the Xfi
I hope the new Fox is better than the one VW of Brazil put out in the early 80's... which turned out to be a low cost (and low quality to match) version of the water pumpers VW was selling then. I had heard that from a few mechanics, the proof has been that aside from a wrecking yard, I haven't seen one in 'no-rust' California in years, yet I still see late 70's early 80's Rabbits on the road. To think I almost bought one when VW first put them out...