If you get a high-rev engine, often times 600CC is all you need.
Plenty of acceleration in the higher RPM range, lower gears, yet not too much HP lost on top.
With anything bigger than 600CC, the bike will be most fun to ride at 100+MPH, which isn't street legal.
On the 1500/1800cc bikes you like, there's plenty of torque (too much actually; you can make the wheels spin), the weight is too heavy (about 1/2 heavier than a 600cc sports bike), too low MPG (averages between 30-50MPG, vs 50-66MPG for a 600cc), and peak HP is limited (because most of those big bikes only do 120MPH tops).
I don't think anything beyond 100MPH is any fun to ride.
So for me, the optimal bike would be anywhere between 400-600cc.
A 600cc sports bike, is hard to keep the front wheel down on a 0-60MPH run.