I also talked with the designer of Fusion (4 riders 3 wheels Human Power Vehicle using Morelli's shape ).
He told me that back then (1984/1985) they could test it in a wind tunnel, but made controlled coasting tests on a measured incline, and the result estimation was CD: 0,09.
Quite good. Aptera Typ 1 had CD:0,11, and the production version (ugly compared to type-1) had CD:0,15
I'm curious about a video of controlled coasting tests. Can somebody help ?
Originally Posted by freebeard
Wings travel in free air, in gusty, crosswind conditions. Ground vehicles travel in the turbulent flow on the ground. A wind tunnel would need a turntable and moving deflectors to simulate real world conditions.
For the Bio-Hybrid, I'd look to the Tropfenwagen. I'd be tempted to do a appearance like the original with the surfboard fenders.