Originally Posted by oil pan 4
It just boggles my mind how people worry so much about how man's actions might effect the climate when the earth is 50 years over due for an event that in less than 14 hours will cause total destruction of modern society.
That's why to me man made global warming is no more than a distraction from the real issues at hand.
Inevitable catastrophe is no reason to neglect the less important things that you can affect now.
We're all going to die within our lifetimes, but that's not a compelling reason to let our bodies fall apart in the meantime.
Originally Posted by All Darc
I see no future to humanity before genetic engenering try to fix it.
Of course this is true, but I don't think most people are ready to accept this nearly inevitable reality. The only other alternative is to go back to relying heavily on natural selection to promote fit genes. We'll all have heart defects, poor vision, diabetes, etc, etc in the future if we rely on technology only to cope with these problems rather than avoid having them in the first place (not talking about eugenics, but specific genetic selection). Of course this will raise many more problems, but the imperative to have a healthy population is greater than the peril of misusing technology.
Taking this idea further, we will need to genetically solve the problem of cruel and destructive mindsets before technology progresses to the point that an individual can exact complete annihilation (and preferably before then).