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Old 03-17-2018, 11:15 PM   #36 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by hayden55 View Post
100% its limited because it will thermal throttle over 90 mph. Prius had inverter heat issues so i assume its the same for most ev's as well since they are designed for efficiency not racing (so far). But that whole horsepower thing is relative. My 2010 prius doesnt have 150hp and this car will do 120 mph and ive maintained 100 mph for three hours going across empty Arkansas Interstates. (Fayetteville to Jonesboro; 3 bours vs 4.5 hr) I think speed averaged was closer to 90 mph and it averaged 31 mpg.
Because an ev doesn't have drivetrain and gearing losses.
Whatever the motor produces, is pretty much whatever is at the wheels,minus rolling resistance (like from deflated tires).

A 4 stroke of 150HP usually only gives 135HPmax at the wheels, times the gear ratio.
Eg: if you have an overdrive gear ratio of 0,97:1 as 4th gear, being closest to a direction drive, and 134HP at the wheels with a direction drive, your car is only getting the performance of a 130HP at best. In 6th gear, if your gear ratio is 0.75:1, you're essentially only getting 97.5 HP in final gear, from a car which engine gives 150HP.
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