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Old 03-20-2018, 04:41 PM   #11 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by gumby79 View Post
Reduce frontal aera as much as possible. 34V ÷4.2(LiPO)=8.09 cell batteries.
How many AH are needed for the run? Before the wattage drops out.
Would capacitors be a better pixie( electron) storage media, as in this instance brut force( extremely fast discharge) is more desirable than capacity?
I am working on modifying the suspension in an effort to reduce the total frontal area. At some point after some testing I may pursue smaller diameter custom made wheels to alter this further.

I have not seen much testing of batteries in the sizes that I will be running, but with smaller batteries for racing drones I have seen that max voltage and current is only good for about a 5 second burst. From memory these were 1500 mAh or less.

The setup for my car will be 8 cells at 4.2v (I might try LiHV 4.35)
The packs generally are in the 4000 to 6000 mAh range. No one currently offers a good 8s battery with high discharge amperage, so I'll likely run some 4s packs in a series configurations. (Or if I can get a sponsor who wants to make me some custom packs that would be great!!!)

I have been kicking around the idea of 4 packs total with 2 in parallel, which are in series with the other 2 in parallel. This should provide all the power needed. Capacitors are used primarily to reduce the ripple current. I don't believe the size and array needed to do anything worthwhile would fit in the vehicle. I have seen some large capacitors tested and they could only operate the motor for a second or two before discharged.


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