Originally Posted by LibertyMKiii
I have the traditional RC car transmitter with the wheel. I have not found any benefits to the models like Futaba with the screens. My eyes are on the car during its short 15 second run. Inside the car I have many data log sensors running. (IR Temp, internal measured temp, voltage, amps, watts, GPS and so on)
freebeard's talking about FPV. If nothing else that could help you in the accel/braking zones to make your usable distance longer.
You could even have a co pilot using FPV to get up to say 100mph, then the car passed into your view you take over, and after the finish you hand it back over to your FPV co-pilot.
I don't think I'd be trying for 200 with such a basic TX though. As much as I favor a solid mechanical set up before resorting to electronics, being able to set things like steering sensitivity as speed rises definitely helps. I think I'd want to run something like a DX4C with AVC, or possibly re purpose an aircraft auto pilot for surface use. One crash saved is the radio paid for.