I guess I didn't mean hard numbers, but its easy to scroll through here and jot down ideas for things to try given the results people have had here to bring back to the drawing board. There is a ton of neat little tiny efficiency mods I've seen people do on here that I'm just now starting to see oem's implement now. But yeah it seems like efficiency doesn't sell quite yet. lol
Where're my plasma actuators?
The big problem I see is the vBulletin software. The whole site is so clunky. Why can't I sort my albums?
Someone with adequate resources could scrape the site (kind of like Cambridge Analytica did to Facebook) and then strip out the pagination, headers and footers and isolate that content of a complete thread.
Then something like Google Tensorflow could be trained on the corpus to prune all the blind
allies alleys and bullet-point the back and forth discussions.
It occurs to me that the site owners could expose a API hook to the underlying data, before it gets 'decorated'. This should update the Ecomodder Wiki automagically.