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Old 03-23-2018, 02:52 PM   #29 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by wdb View Post
Sucker cars were designed to hold the car to the road, including around corners. They had virtually unlimited HP to work with because their racing class allowed it. That suction costs power. You need to consider the tradeoff. My money is on it being a non-starter, else other LSR cars would have already done it.
It certainly adds some complexity, cost, and risk to the car that I'd rather avoid.

A small pebble in the road is like a 5" tall rock to a real car. Breaking suction is too high of a risk given the scale and scenarios possible.

I will have way more HP than necessary to reach my speed goal so I believe the downforce / drag penalties will be just fine.

After doing some quick sketches with the catamaran type designs I am liking what I see. I can do some things here that LSR guys probably cannot given there is no occupants in the vehicle.

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freebeard (03-23-2018)