Thread: Warm air intake
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Old 03-25-2018, 06:10 PM   #159 (permalink)
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I am very much in to control systems, but i still have not figured out the optimal temperature parameters. Or the means to create a feedback loop (sensor information by which to control the temperature) for optimal fuel efficiency.

One thing that comes to mind (for steady speed) is increasing temp untill gas peadal is to the floor or advance decreases, or detonation begins or fuel injection time starts to increase (to cool things)... but unfortunately as of yet i am unable to conjure up the formula to create a system.

Academic papers are contradictory. Some say lower temps increase efficiency, some say they decrease it. In reality it is both, as intake temps decrease engine efficiency goes up, as butterfly valve opens up more, punping losses decrease, as intane air temp goes up vaporisation increases, hence more complete combustion...

One paper says 80 dec C is optimal, but that is for a HCCI engine.

So if you guys have any ideas, i would be willing to discuss yss.

Last edited by teoman; 03-25-2018 at 06:54 PM..
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