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Old 03-27-2018, 10:17 AM   #74 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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I have.

For the past twenty years or so, 6-7 months a year, I have been working on board large ocean-going merchant vessels, mostly petroleum crude oil carriers.

We sail from the Persian Gulf to US Gulf via Cape of Good Hope and back. Round trip takes 3 months.

Sometimes, not even Inmarsat satellite phone woks as our on board equipment is unable for w/e reason to connect to a Satellite uplink. It goes w/o saying that we don't have internet while at sea and frequently while at port too.

Life aboard just consists of two things, sea and sky and the occasional albatross apart from work.

The worst voyage I've ever done was when I was working on a Bulk Carrier (Cargo) Ship and we had discharged at Townsville, AUS, and we were ordered to sail next to Richard's Bay, RSA to load Coal in bulk.

It was summertime in the Northern Hemisphere but winter for the Southern hemisphere, and we had to sail from Townsville to South of Tasmania and then sail parallel to the AUS S Coast (aka Great Australian Bight) to make it to RSA.

Nothing works in these waters. We had no Satcoms, no Radio, nothing at all to communicate with the outside world, and the weather was constantly at 8-10 in the Beaufort scale until we cleared the SW Australian cape and altered course to a more Northerly heading.

This voyage was my worst and the one I felt I truly existed outside the civilized world.

So yeah, other people have lived in the middle of nowhere too, OP, you ain't the only one.
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