Hemp (cânhamo on Brazil), it's a plant from the same family of canabis (weed/drug), but it have about 40 times less psychoative than the less powerful canabis weed, and so can't produce psychological effects. Even though it's ilegal to produce on Brazil.
If it can't be used as a drug, if have no value to drug dealers and organized crime, why it's ilegal to produce on Brazil ?
Hemp fiber/oil and seeds it's very profitable :
Bamboo fiber require that bamboo tiny filamnet be cooked in water with sodium hydroxide, then mechanically separating the sections into fibers and reassembling the fibers into a mat.
Originally Posted by cRiPpLe_rOoStEr
I guess he would have a hard time trying to get an industrial hemp supplier, plus bamboo is easily available here in Brazil.