Originally Posted by freebeard
I didn't realize I was so loud.
The last time I went to the Eugen Macintosh User's Group meeting I wanted to rant about Facebook and https://noyb.eu/. What did I get? Seeing my own face on the Club's Facebook page, posted with the presumption that I need have no voice in the matter.
Opting-in would be a nice option. 
Ahh, to beard the lion in his lair.
Was this one of those “had to be there” events? The moment of recognition.
Does the John Currey mural depiction of abolitionist John Brown apply as to tenor? That Old Testament moment.
Sure brought a smile to this Texan. (Yuh jus doan mess with cotton mouths, feral hogs and such. Thought ya’ll knew better).
Tesla. Cut the subsidy. Why am I supporting women not my wife re health care, or persons of a high income so they can have this toy? The benefit to society in each isn’t qualified. It’s wishful.