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Old 04-01-2018, 07:34 PM   #3 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by Xist View Post
I am afraid I never learned Portuguese very well
You already speak Spanish, so most of this article probably wouldn't be too hard for you to understand. Trust me, resorting to the "portuņol" had been very useful (and still is) whenever I need to talk to some tourists from the neighboring countries that are mostly Spanish-speakers (apart from Guyana, Suriname and French Guyana).

But anyway, one of the excuses for this plan is that it would result in cheaper meals for the children who sometimes resort to the school meal as their only daily meal. On the political side, for me it's disgusting to see those veganazis pushing their agenda (literally) down the throats of the children, plus most of the proposed changes on the menu are more likely to require items that would need to be sourced from other regions instead of being supplied from local farmers. For example, why a rice-based milk analogue instead of the coconut-based one? And why soy-based protein instead of corn which is a traditional crop in the Northeast along certain varieties of beans (including black-eyed peas which in Brazil are considered a bean instead of a pea). Well, if regular beef is expensive, why not resorting to goat meat, poultry, or even trying to raise some regional game meat (already well-suited to the local environment) in captivity?
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