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Old 04-01-2018, 09:54 PM   #5 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Even though some of my disapproval toward the usage of soy-based stuff is in fact a result of its eventually-emasculating effects, I mentioned corn because of its popularity in the region where this project is going to be implemented. Well, my mom is from the Northeast just like my grandfather (grandma is from Porto Alegre but has moved to Recife at a very young age), so I got to know some of the traditional cuisine in the region which relies in a lot of corn-based dishes, especially around June due to the St. John festivities (São João). And since I'm from Rio Grande do Sul, where much of our culture originated at the cattle farms, I also tend to be even more unfavorable than other Brazilians to any attempt of imposing restrictions on meat consumption (even though I usually eat more chicken and fish because I can get it cheaper than beef).
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