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Old 04-02-2018, 09:58 PM   #169 (permalink)
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I want to start learn 3D modeling.

Suggestions about where to start ?
Understand the basics — NURBs versus box modeling to start, which leads into texture and bump mapping and finally lighting and rendering.

I tried a number of 3D modeling programs. Some do it all up to the final render, like Blender. For me it has a learning curve like running into a wall. CAD programs lead to NURBs, box modeler are more like taking a box and cutting edges off and pulling little boxes out of the big one. Easier for me to wrap my head around.

And of the box modelers I like Wings3D. It's free and open source (praise the hippys).

The majority of people have no character today. Indeed people with character, which I call survivors, are not well saw by society.

Sylvie Ivanowa talks about The Survivors the same way.
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