Originally Posted by Xist
Genetically engineer millenials with petroleum in their veins?
How many immunizations does the average human receive? According to this, Americans receive fourteen immunizations by age six. I have wondered how quickly this will increase. Someday will babies be vaccinated for a hundred different things?
You get more shots, but with fewer antigens.
We even have combination vaccines now that are more cost effective than older single target shots.
In the future, not everyone will be vaccinated for everything (as it is now, really)... no use doing mass immunization drives for diseases that don't exist in your country. And, if current drives have favorable results, certain vaccines will no longer be needed in mass quantities (we've almost finished off polio, for instance).
Sucks that anti-vaxxer ideology is so pervasive in the US... it's pretty obvious these idiots are too young to remember smallpox.