Originally Posted by All Darc
But Plasma will create burn in effect if you watch much movies with black bar to fit rastio aspect.
Energy consume it's a Hoax. People had 20 or 29 inch CRT TVs, and replaced it with 50 inch LCD. The 50 inch LCD took as much or even more energy, and if it's a 4k, the processor and everything took even more The 4K LEd Tv 50 inch I refered as wished to explode with a missele, took 200W, and the old 29 inch trinitron took just 100W.
I have had image burn in due to my static Windows desktop appearing too long, but I use a screensaver now. I never watch content with black bars, so that hasn't been an issue, and my screen saver will eventually reduce the burn in effect if it happens.
Electricity consumption likely has gone down for most households who switched to LCD, because despite the larger screen and light output, it is way more energy efficient. A CRT monitor is roughly twice the power consumption of a similar sized LCD, and local dimming LED backlighting makes them even more efficient.
My plasma is a bit of an energy hog at 200 watts average, but it's a bright 60" screen.
I haven't researched OLED, but I assume it is very efficient since it produces the desired color and intensity in the individual pixels (additive color) rather than filter out the undesired colors and intensity like LCD(subtractive).
I agree that LCD is not ideal, but I don't think it will be around too much longer anyhow.