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Old 04-04-2018, 09:40 PM   #32 (permalink)
All Darc
Join Date: Feb 2018
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Voodoo for human would require a piece of hair or something, to make a voodoo doll model of hin. In this case of TV I would need some piece of his TV.
So I'm innocent. ;-)

OLED have motion blur too. It's more expensive (in my counry it's double the price of LCD at least or more) and lifespam it's 50% of LCD models, making it 4x worse in terms of cost per year of TV life.
It can generate burn-in effect, specially if used as monitor for PC or to watch movies with black bars.
And the display have not much light intensity capability.

So it's still not good for me. Even if was, the TV Broadcast here on Brazil use garbage video compression, killing details. The sat signed TV it's the worse of all, with MGM Gold HD channel with some modern films looking worse then prime VHS for the motion scenes. Netfix is "less worse", but still bad enough to me hate it, since any scene that it's not fully bright like a Disney TV series for teens, get artefacts and blocks in mediun and dark scenes.

I never saw a decent digital image transmission on Brazil. Never !!!

Even the digital decoder adapter/converter for analogic TVs it's a garbage. It make the image signal came out ot the device already with white clipping, so even if I turned the CRT TV contrast to zero, the tones near white keep clipped since the decoder converter make the signal this way.
It's like they thought in everyting possible to anoy me, even in the choices of fixed setting of the digital converter adapter. The enginers who created it hate me.

Last edited by All Darc; 04-04-2018 at 09:56 PM..
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