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Old 04-07-2018, 07:04 AM   #16 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by RustyLugNut View Post
I remember seeing the Roots TS3 running around our neighborhood.
The only time I saw a TS3-powered truck, it was parked under a bridge in the Brazil-Uruguay border. Well, I wasn't even able to figure out if it still had the stock engine or if it had already been repowered with some Brazilian 4-stroke (the Mercedes-Benz OM352 had been a popular alternative for engine swaps in Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay).

I've always wanted to grab one and refit a more capable fuel system.
Since I got to know about the TS3 I wanted to get one and fit into some Chevy full-size truck.

I feel two strokes are dismissed as being too noisy and dirty without digging deeper into the design.
When it comes to 2-strokes, nowadays most people seem to forget the Diesel ones and only remind spark-ignited applications. Well, at least most 2-stroke Diesels resorted to an oil recirculation lube system, which makes it easier to implement some emission controls which became mainstream such as EGR.

An extended stroke TS3 can allow us to provide a head with an intake valve system reducing that source of oil bypass.
The absence of a cylinder head is actually a desirable feature, since there is a smaller surface for heat losses through irradiation, thus the engine can convert more energy into motion instead of just waste it.
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