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Old 04-07-2018, 08:16 AM   #10 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by RustyLugNut View Post
My point was that the manufacturers should be able to create a mix that meets the Federal 2025 mandates across the entire continent and not just in a singe State Market.

States like California with their unique combination of geography and intense population need extreme measures to keep their air clean. If that means EVs and strong hybrids, make it so. Those vehicles should be credited and places such as the windswept reaches of New Mexico should have choices that reflect their needs. If that means lean burning direct injected engines, make that so.
That's why I would expect some automakers to try a hybrids-only approach for California (either making hybrid versions available for their entire ranges or selling only hybrid versions of mainstream models that already have this option), but not as a nationwide strategy. Lean-burn direct injection might eventually also find its place in other regional markets, but I wouldn't hold my breath for revised emission standards to be any less restrictive than current ones anywhere else.

if all the states follow California and New York
This would sound quite unlikely to happen.
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