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Old 04-11-2018, 06:34 AM   #5 (permalink)
Wanting more for less
D.O.G.'s Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: New South Wales, Australia
Posts: 313

Metric - '94 Honda Magna 250
90 day: 69.83 mpg (US)

RedCelica - '94 Toyota Celica ZR
90 day: 35.97 mpg (US)

i30 - '12 Hyundai i30 Elite
90 day: 39.84 mpg (US)

i30-22 - '12 Hyundai i30 Elite
90 day: 39.22 mpg (US)
Thanks: 23
Thanked 73 Times in 45 Posts
Originally Posted by Ecky View Post
Aero mods, weight reduction, keep the speed down and plan your routes. I'm sure you can get there!

Aero mods - I'll fit a partial grill block as temperatures fall (winter is coming). Anything else is out, it's my wife's car.

Weight reduction - yeah, it's a fat pig, but it's my wife's car.

Speed - This must be a factor why the FE is so much better than I thought it would be. Due to road works on the motorway (20 km of my 55 km commute), the speed limit is down from 110 kph to 80 kph in two sections. It must be helping.

What's your driving environment like? Must be fairly eco-friendly to be getting 35 already.

My commute is really good. 90% highway/motorway.
My start time has changed for the worse (heavy traffic) but it could still be a lot worse.

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