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Old 04-11-2018, 08:06 AM   #13 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by aerohead View Post
*As of 2014,CAFE was saving USA light vehicle owners $234,250,000,600/year,compared to pre-CAFE.
*And reducing CO2 by a little over a trillion tons/year.
Even though the average Joe might actually enjoy the savings from an enhanced fuel economy, most Americans seem to not really care about COČ or any other environmental regulation.

*The more stringent standard, which is on the chopping block,would have had us saving an additional $91,269,212,920/year.
Even though the more stringent standard could eventually lead to that projected increase in savings, there are cultural factors and cost of technology to be implemented in order to reach them. And honestly I don't see an average redneck getting rid of a short-bed regular cab F-150 or Silverado to pull their ghost-trailers with a Yaris for example, or to throw a greater amount of money into a hybrid truck even if it leads to double the MPG. But it's still quite unpredictable.
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