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Old 04-11-2018, 07:57 AM   #79 (permalink)
All Darc
Join Date: Feb 2018
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It come a long way... But still have artefacts in our time, and 25 years of color LCD display still have problems of angle and dynamic range.

People don' notice things cause they don't know what is a good image and cause they are far from TV, and cause TV can't work any decency in very close view position.
If the SP (quality of recording) VHS had the quality lowered like the 4K video have, people would complain a lot. For example, the suposed 4K it's far from be really 4K details, given the compression, the camera used to shoot, the TV with motion blur, the almost impossible close look at TV since it have uneven light distribution. The LIE of 4K movies that mostly are just interpolations from 2K digital files.

The somatory of it all make the quality drops a lot. People will see a 4K film and will say it's better than a HD 1080p (with it's also not true due similar reasons) and will say it's ok. They have no reference to judge.

The percentage of loss in a suposed 4K file it's higher than the percentual loss of SD analogic tape. That's true !!! WHat people see it's 50% or less of a 4K image should be, and in SD analogic tapes it wasn't so high if was a professional tape or a betamax tape.
But people imagine digital have no loss because it's digital. This shake my nerves, so much lies.

Like I said, people pay for meat to a barbecue, and receive a very huge piece, but it's mostly cartilage, bones and fat, ratter than really good meat.

It's a masked industry !!! In analogic people would see the bad quality with few drops, but in digital age they have no good devices/screen to see videos of really high resolution, and don't even know how a really good image quality should be.

I bet when 8K arrives there will be images (suposed in 8K) that are just as 2K in true details and texture, and will still have a lot of banding and artefacts, and people will still say they are pleased with the image because in old days there was noise and ghosting image and now it have not.

And I will be not surprise if on Brazil some 8K chael get image worth than VHS during hard motion scenes. And no surprise if the dumb people here on Brazil accept it.

Originally Posted by redpoint5 View Post
I'm very pleased with the picture quality of my compressed digital movies on my LCD:

Last edited by All Darc; 04-11-2018 at 08:43 AM..
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