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Old 04-11-2018, 05:23 PM   #5 (permalink)
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Achates' current focus may be based on its affiliation with Fairbanks-Morse and Cummins.

Fairbanks-Morse is familiar with, and known for, the dual-crankshaft design and would be interested in a downsized model for truck use.

It was a (supposedly inferior) Cummins engine that replaced the TS3. Institutional prejudices can linger for decades. I am not sure Cummins would like to be responsible for the rebirth of the TS3, 50 years after destroying it.

I would guess that Achates has done research and testing on a number of historically viable opposed-piston designs, to see how much they could be improved by applying current technology. Securing patents for these improvements, tested or not, can (assuming the ideas are sound) have the effect of controlling entry into the opposed-piston market. They may have even bought, or made a bid for, the OPOC patents last year.
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