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Old 04-12-2018, 11:27 PM   #84 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by All Darc View Post
At this point I think I became one of the people who don't watch TV. And TV stations today have mostly crap, garbage, brainwashing, retard atractions, and movies today are not very good, made for teens.

And cabble... no much better these days... Even Discovery Chanel became a hoo...cker, just have crap 99% of time.
No wonder people in the countryside enjoy listening to local radios not affiliated to nationwide networks (such as the Globo-owned CBN, among others) more than watching TV. And even though I still think SBT is better than Globo, sometimes it also has some awful stuff. But I'm sure Globo is the worst one, with its support to some controversial matters in a way that is clearly disrespectful toward the conservative majority of this country. When it comes to brainwashing, unfortunately some of it has also been further widespread by other media such as YouTube. Or do you think some random nobody diving in a bath tub full of Nutella is less of a brainwashing than any soap-opera from Globo? Unfortunately it's all in the same standard of garbage.

When it comes to cable TV, I'm sure that at least some part of the problem might be due to the national-content laws that served only to help untalented left-leaning producers to throw their garbage and steal tax money through the Rouanet law.
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