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Old 04-13-2018, 09:07 AM   #87 (permalink)
All Darc
Join Date: Feb 2018
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That's what I say... we going back. Getting more and more chanels, with grap content, and get worse and worse quality.

The guys who tried to sell cable (digital sat TV), first said it was by fiber optcis, then said it was a mini sat antenna. He didn't have a TV to demonstrate in the office, had to put one, took more than 1 hour of late to the scheduled time of visit, and they couldn't even close the window, saying the ownwer of the place didn't allowed. Even in the relative small TV 40 inch or less with HD, and with a lot of reflexs, I could see the image had many artefacts during any motion, despite he promissed me it hadn't.

Now everytime a seeler docs in the door here, offering such system I say : " I saw it and it's a garbage, no matter if it's digital, it's a garbage and worths nothing, it's just a scam. And even if wasn't there is no good TV available to watch HD content"

That' why Im revolted with digital tecfhnology, cause I see no image signal worth of see and no TV display worth of look. It's garbage X garbage.
Would you accept a piece of meat, you would buy for a barbecue, if it was 3/4 ou cartilage, fat and bonnes ? Well.. That' how I feel about digital video. It's a f... lie.

-Resolution it's a lie, destroyed by compression and motion blur, image artefacts.
-Image clarity it's a lie, destroyed by uneven lightness, degradation even by low angles, and destroyed dynamic range with clipping whites and crushed shadows.
-And they have a courage to say these f... sh... it's a perfect image. This profunds revolts me, really. I would like to see these liars on jail.


If police arrest people who change a stock of milk, or who put some solvent on gasoline, to increase profit, they should make something against these digital liars.

And people quiet accept all these crap. This piss me off.

Originally Posted by redpoint5 View Post
For the first time in my life I have cable TV, and I'm missing how good I had it with OTA. Picture quality of OTA was far superior, and I could record to DVR for free. Cable is "included" in the cost of rent at my apartment, but it costs $10 extra per month for DVR, and another $10 per month extra for "HD". I'm not paying for something I once enjoyed for free. This is mostly moot as I don't watch much, and when I do it's usually something on Netflix.

Last edited by All Darc; 04-13-2018 at 09:23 AM..
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