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Old 04-17-2018, 02:24 PM   #88 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by All Darc View Post
They try to erotize young teens, try to spreed adultery and narcotics as a life style.
And when we stand up and speak against this, we're labelled as Nazis, bigots, fascists, whatever. Once, a teacher affiliated to PSOL told me that I was being homophobe and racist because I support responsible gun ownership for good-willing citizens. Man, come on, he was the one actually segregating gays and blacks, implying they couldn't fare under my definition of a good-willing citizen, and he even went to Twitter and ranted about what he called "neonazi ideas". Man, I'm proud of my Jewish background, and that scumbag affiliated to a party that usually burns Israeli flags at public demonstrations has the guts to imply that I support "neonazi ideas"? That's like a lightpole urinating at a dog.

Had you saw the human Ken (guy who tried to be like Barbie boyfriend) ? Globo promoted hin as a artist, but his just a poor mentaly ill guy obssed with body modification. I feel sorry for hin, like I feeled sorry for Michael Jackson, and they are just feeding his decease.
Yes, I've seen that guy. And yes, sometimes the obsession for plastic surgeries becomes some sort of mental disease, IIRC it's called a "body disphoria". Instead of getting encouraged to seek for help, the media pushes him to go for it, and some plastic surgeons that might be considered irresponsible go for an easy profit taking advantage of that condition, this should be considered at least anti-ethical.

Some people says it's a comunist strategy called subversion of cultural values, to make people strange each other and weird to each other.
I guess you've heard about Gramsci. His theories have been put in effect in our country...

Of course we need to fight prejudice and sexism, the tue one and not dumb sh... But what they making it's not really that, since in reality people now are more hostile.
My dad is a retired Brazilian Air Force sergeant, so I lived at military bases until a few months after I turned 12. There are people from many different racial/ethnical backgrounds at the Air Force, and many servicewomen too, and one of my dad's best friends since their training days is a black carioca. I consider this friend of my dad as much as my biological uncles. Well, even though I've been around many non-whites who believe in a doctrine that I'm familiar with, the simple fact that I don't buy into those commie standards make me a "racist" or whatever in the eyes of PT fanatics and other leftards.

When it comes to sexism, my dog is a female one, but once while I was walking her around the neighborhood some feminazis started to ranting after they saw her standing and raising a paw to urinate like male dogs do (she learned it with the boxer that my aunt used to have). Isn't that ridiculous?
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