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Old 04-18-2018, 05:25 PM   #96 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by All Darc View Post
I imagine it' very anoying for a jew be called of nazi... Comunists on Brazil support muslims who treat women and gays as sh...t. They call you nazi but complete ignore the 100x worse sexism of radical muslims.
Ben Shapiro often talks about this hypocrisy. Have you listened to him speak before?

I'm in favor of gun's just for people with calm feelings and able to use it, trained, otherwise they can kill a innocent or kill for ordinary reason, as in street transit discussion, and our people (Brazil) have a lot of hot head temper.
One problem is that a bandid left no time for reaction on street...
For other side USA laws, selling guns or even automatic guns for everyone, it's the oposite side of insanity. And the ones who advocate it don't even want to heard about controll, like sell just to people capable and psychlogically up to have a gun.
I often point out that police are not first responders, they are last responders. The first responders are those being shot at. The best way to respond to being shot at is to fire back.

That said, your point of sensible gun restrictions is an important discussion; one that is not being debated in the US because media would rather put children on TV who yell vile, uninformed insults at people and groups.

Comunists loved to kill gays, but now they reveresed things to get ellectors. They also love pot heads today. They complete ignore when we said Che Guevara and Stalin killed a lot of these people in their time.
Certainly an example of hypocrisy. However, it's possible to support the good behavior someone has while being against their bad behavior. We're all a mixture of good and bad, and worthy of both praise and criticism from time to time. That said, you'll never see me wearing a Che T-shirt unless it's in jest.

Try to talk about surgery fro birth controll, for people who alçready have 2 or more kids and can't care even of one, to tese radical people. They think miserable people have right to have 10 kids and the state have to give everything to them.
They also don't accept to do surgery on people who are crack addicted on streets, get pregnant and generating kids that already born addicted and brain damaged.
Tough topic right there. At the very least IUD birth control should be made available for free to those who prove to be irresponsible at providing a minimally safe environment for their children.

Originally Posted by All Darc View Post
Things became worse in last 15 years instead of became better, for TV paid chanels at least...

TV also affect your life, maybe not the screen device, but the bad politic of TV stations, the people who comand it and manipulate people.
Media has always contained political bias. Mostly for that reason, I don't consume mainstream media. I'd prefer to listen to something informative rather than sensationalized. I'll defend the right of media to continue being horrible, as they are protected by freedom of speech. As long as I have the right to talk sensibly, I'll defend the right of others to speak nonsense.
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