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Old 04-18-2018, 04:53 PM   #97 (permalink)
All Darc
Join Date: Feb 2018
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Ben Shapiro have some interesting remarks, but it's just another political flag advocating in the pocket of someone, intead of a bright person searching for the true. He ignores what it's not good for his flag.

Brazil it's the number 1 in the rank of worldwide homicide in general number. In deads per 100.000 habitants it lost to countries in war or sopme african countries only.

It's easier to be shot by a brazilian driver during a discussion than be shot by a drug dealer on England. That's the problem.
If you go to Brazil they will alsmot demant to you spport brazilian soccer team, or to say carnaval it's wonderful. They interpret different opinion almost as reason to discusion of angry discussion.
If you sellect who here is able to carry a gun, who is not stupid to shot for futile reason, they will be few people left. Anyway I think these few people should have right to have a gun.
But what to do if your truck broke and people try to collective loot the load ?

I would like to see the reaction of USA police for such kind of people in a similar incident. Here police just watch. 99% or more of these people are not hungry, but they just thinlk this stealing it's not a stealing just because it's on the road.
USA police would probably shot the first 5 and the rest wouls stand back.

Last edited by All Darc; 04-18-2018 at 09:30 PM..
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