My timing belt replacement is done! This means...ecomodding!
Before taking my Civic in for its overdue timing belt replacement (153K on original belt) I removed my temporary grille block made from blue painters tape covered in silver duct tape, which surprisingly held on fairly well despite snow, ice, and rain over a period of 5 days. After getting my car back I replaced it with one made from duct tape covered cardboard attached with zip ties. Edges and gaps between the cardboard and the car were "sealed" off with duct tape covered painters tape. I considered painting it black, but figured I'd leave it as is since the duct tape closely resembles the color of my car (photo attached).
I also finally decided to go ahead and do wheel covers as well. Front two are mounted and the other two should be mounted in a day or two when I have time. Any guesses as to the materials used? (see attached photos) It should be obvious..
The 112 miles I drove today averaged out to 47.89 mpg (tank average up to this point was 42 mpg), but I can't claim the 14% increase to those mods alone; most if it was probably due to the maintenance I had done on it today, as well as each trip being about 30 miles instead of the 5-15 my trips usually are.
Next steps:
- Install rear wheel covers
- Partial lower grille block and fog light area covering
- Air dam
- Windshield wiper deflector
We'll see when I can get to all of this.
PS: Can one of the admins move this thread over to Ecomodding Central? It seems more appropriate there..TYIA