I don't know how it is in other countries, but in the US, there is a growing culture of victimhood being a virtue. Those who are identified as belonging to the most oppressed groups are viewed as the most virtuous and credible individuals, ironically displaying extreme prejudice by those most loudly calling for the end of prejudice. There is a parallel habit of conjuring offense, because by being offended, we can claim victimhood status. Somehow the virtue of being slow to anger, and patient to listen has been replaced with quick to anger and unwillingness to listen.
Rather than treat people as individuals, we have categorized people into groups who are not allowed to have individual thoughts or expression, who are valued for their membership in the club rather than their unique thoughts and abilities.
I've always said I was a feminist, and that is because I am a humanist. Show me concrete examples of undue injustice and I'll take up the cause.