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Old 04-26-2018, 01:40 PM   #24 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by All Darc View Post
If you say nursery have less man and that physiotherapy have less man, they will say that's because man don't wan't. But they will blame man for there are less women on engineering.
The amount of women in the health sciences in general seems to be quite disproportionate nowadays, while in technological areas there is still more men than women, even though I have already seen female engineers working at construction sites. So, whoever tries to claim "sexism" prevents women to become engineers, or to flourish in science at all, is the actual sexist.

They acuse man to don't handle babies well, but will say man can't take care of babies in case of a dispute for children.

like I said, it's a political flag war, and not a search for truth, justice and reason.
I have already seen feminazis complaining that keeping the children after the divorce was a "burden" to the mother, but many divorced (or even single) moms seem to rely on child support from their former husband/boyfriend (if not a one-night-only fool) as their main income source. Basically using the kids as a blank paycheck...

Most actual feminist get some sort of sexist (disguised) against man or even against some women.
Actual feminazis are dumb enough to complain when a female dog stands to urinate like a male dog usually does (it happened at least once while I was walking my dog, who happened to be the dominant of the litter, but it might've happened to other peoples' dogs as well). Well, considering that some women have already resorted to disposable plastic cones to urinate standing at places where a restroom might not be so readily available, that's just another pointless whining from them.

There was a girl on school, who was against sexism, against unequality, but he said that women's money was just for her, and man's money was for the family (house, kids, wife). And she believed man must pay dinner. I bet she still talk about the pay gap .
A few years ago I inquired a feminazi why don't they try to make military enlistment compulsory for girls in Brazil like it's done in Israel, and she told me feminism was "a fight for rights, not for obligations". Well, considering that every right should be followed by a responsibility, it's quite clear they only want to be granted privileges...