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Old 04-27-2018, 07:15 PM   #46 (permalink)
Human Environmentalist
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Originally Posted by Xist View Post
My ex proposed to me when I broke up to her. What if I said "Wait, yeah," she said "Nah," and I sued her for broach of contract? Would I want to marry someone that felt coerced into it?

Dad fired me when I was a teenager because... well, that was never clear to me, although he had me work for free afterward. What if I sued him for wrongful termination and he was forced to pretend he was going to pay me? Wouldn't that create a hostile workplace?

...So, this kid will never be challenged or held responsible for himself? He will receive Social Security for the rest of his life because his mother insists he is disabled?
I think you're agreeing with my assertion that coerced relationships are worse than no relationship based on your example.

Not sure where you are going with the Dad example. However, if a teenager is under the age of 18, they are not entitled to be paid by a parent. They are essentially slaves of the parent, for better or for worse, because they aren't legally capable of being responsible for themselves. After the age of 18, children have no obligation to remain or associate with a parent.

Neither the mother nor dependant child is the greater evil; rather it's the system that allowed evil to flourish in the first place. People are done a great disservice when we don't insist they carry as much of their own burden as they can bear. There is a place for charity, but people need a sense of purpose, and you cannot get purpose from handouts.

Originally Posted by All Darc View Post
It's not that simple. If government to not protect people to have opinions, let's say reasonable opinions, you have no freedon. It's likem Bible saying you have free will to believe in other God, but this will make you burn in eternity.
Agree that it's not that simple. It's extremely complex. However, it's extremely dangerous to allow government the authority to decide what is good thinking and what is bad thinking. We're not exempt from the consequences of other people's bad thinking.

I don't agree with that interpretation of the Bible either. It's more like when humanity achieved the ability to discern the difference between good and evil, we assumed the consequences of our behavior, and burden of existence. That is to say, following untruth will lead to bad outcomes, but following truth will lead to good. I'll set aside the paradox of free will vs determination, as that is beyond my ability to reason.

On Brazil feminists made pressure to a company to fire a guy, treating that they would make a national campaign against the company if they do not fire hin. He only made a joke about radical feminsm. But radical feminists can go to street and say all men are rapers, and nothing happens to them.
The bigger problem is that society even pays attention to these nothing stories instead of focusing on things that really matter. We individually pay the price for the attitudes of the society we live in, and there is no way to escape this reality. Legislating that a business must retain an employee is putting a thin veil on the underlying problem. Better to expose the problem than to live on in delusion.
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Last edited by redpoint5; 04-27-2018 at 08:00 PM..